Although born in Ephrata, PA, I was raised and attended public school in Miami Springs, FL. In 1991, I graduated second in my class from Miami Springs Senior High.
I was accepted to several major universities, but chose to attend Cornell University and study Chemical Engineering. After a year at Cornell, I decided I had no real desire to become a Chemical Engineer. I then began a rather long and shameful exploration of a number of academic subjects including Geology, Electrical Engineering, Business, Music, and Theatre.
Finally, in 1998, I earned a Associates of Arts degree in Drama from Broward Community College. The following year, I enrolled in Florida State University's School of Theatre. My primary interest was in acting, but in the Bachelor's of Arts program I also studied a wide range of theatre topics including Drama, Theatre Management, Stage Management, Theatre History, Creative Design, Lighting, and Costume Construction. While at FSU, I appeared in two student films: Mallbrake and Barry-oke.
In 2000, I graduated from FSU, Magna Cum Laude, with a BA in Theatre.
Why I Write
I first began writing while at Cornell as a diversion and to reduce stress. Since then I've started several novels, but until recently I hadn't taken my writing seriously enough to actually finish one of them.
While at FSU, doing research for a performance art piece I was working on, I became interested in the contemporary romance genre. Although I'd been an avid reader for many years, I hadn't really read any contemporary romances. I usually read classical authors like Jane Austin, the Bronte sisters, Charles Dickens, etc; and contemporary authors like Anne Rice, Stephen King, V.C. Andrews, and Mary Higgins Clark. After reading some CR's, I began one of my own during my Senior year at FSU. After graduation, I completed Passsion Among Stars. Like most first novels, despite much effort and persistance, it was never published. However, the exercise wasn't a complete loss, because I learned, after much searching, writing is my ideal occupation.
So, I continue to write, pursue every avenue to publication, and regularly enter writing contests.
My Writing
Although my first completed novel was a contemporary romance, my writing is ecletic.
I've written short literary fiction for competition. Two of my short stories Sunrise Meditation and Power Play, were published in the Driftwood Anthology in October 2001. I have many ideas for mainstream/commercial novels, which are simmering on the back burner. I've also written political humor that was published on the Democratic Underground. I won eHarlequin's Writing Round Robin for my chapter five entry of A Touch of Scandal. I'm currently writing romance in various sub-genres.