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Dubya Satire

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Short Stories
Crying Rain
Keeping My Promise*
Sunrise Meditation - Driftwood Anthology XX
Power Play - Driftwood Anthology XX
Meditation of the Second Sock*
Changing Lanes*

The Driftwood Anthology
The Driftwood Anthology if a literary journal produced annually by the Brevard Scribblers to showcase the writers and artists of Brevard County, FL.


Catching Flies--And Loving It! - Work in Progess
Love Me, Love My Crooked Nose!*
Stolen Hearts - Work in Hold
Passion Among Stars*
Raegan's Fire - Work on Hold
Karma - Work on Hold

A Memo From Baby Bush - Democratic Underground - parody
From the Desk of George W. Bush - Democratic Underground - parody - series
A Touch of Scandal ( Chapter Five) - eHarlequin Writing Round Robin
